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Monday, September 21, 2009

Please Tell Me Why We Snore

Those of us who lay witness to or in fact snore ourselves, can become very agitated as a result of the snoring. The body does not however suffer physical harm as a result of the snoring alone.

Snoring is simply the vibration in the throat area or nose and mouth created when air passage is reduced. A number of factors can cause the lessening of airflow.

Snoring can be the result of things inate to our physical make up like the size of the nasal cavity.

Not much could be changed for someone in this situation especially since they did not have anything to do with creating the snoring culprit.

Smokers, or those that are just generally out of shape as well as those that are overweight, can't lay claim to the fact that snoring isn't their fault. In fact most programs designed to help reduce or eliminate snoring will often start by addressing these issues.

Exercising and dropping the cigarettes can lead to either lessened snoring or even stopping completely.

Another cause for snoring that can be prevented is stress. Stress damages our emotional health and our entire nervous and cardiovascular system.

The inability to breathe as fully as we used to which happens as we age also contributes to snoring. Overall body tone is reduced which lessens our ability to take as deep of breaths.

Aging is another factor in snoring that can't be denied. As the body ages, the muscle tone begins to relax. We don't breathe as deeply.

The throat begins to grow thinner at the same time the linings of the nasal cavities begin to thicken. Many people who have never snored in their lives find the annoying habit creeping into bed with them only after they've reached fifty.

The inability to get healthy and uninterupted sleep is certainly the result of snoring.

Because snoring often disrupts a sound night of sleeping, a person's sleep quality can certainly be compromised. Simply tossing and turning throughout the night can prevent a snorer from getting adequate sleep.

Anything that leads to poor sleeping habits will negatively impact our physical and emotional health.

This leads to irritability and a loss of concentration during waking hours and can become another issue to be dealt with. Any problem we experience that prohibits a good night's sleep on a regular basis will have negative health consequences.

Improving the muscles in and around the throat and nasal passages are a primary goal in the program.

I combined exercises specifically geared toward increasing tone and muscle strength.

It was clear that snoring problems could be drastically reduced simply by improving our breathing and respiratory flow.

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