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Monday, September 21, 2009

harmful effects brought by porn addiction

Just how serious is porn addiction? In 2003, there were more than 1 million websites that proliferated in the World Wide Web. In 2005, the video rentals of porn materials reached to almost a billion. The porn industry is considered to be one of the biggest and one of the richest. It doesn’t entail a lot of costs, but it generates high profits for businesses. Pornography addiction is increasing at alarming rates. In a normal month, surveys say more than 50% of men who check out pornographic websites. Based on these statistics, you know that you need to stop porn addiction now.

Effects of Porn Addiction

You will definitely be inspired to stop porn addiction if you are aware of the possible effects it has on your family, your life, and your society. It doesn’t matter if no one in your immediate circle of influence is currently suffering from it. It is still going to be everybody’s responsibility to ensure that this type of problem doesn’t get out of hand.

Pornography addiction affects relationships of men with women. Based on a study in the University of Wisconsin, it was discovered that men who get exposed to violent pornographic materials tend to imitate what they see. You have to learn to stop porn addiction since men will develop anti-social behavior. Worse, they develop aggressive behavior toward women, especially to their partners. They tend to be more abusive.

Porn addiction increases crime rates. For more than 20 years, majority of the sexual assault cases in Michigan were brought about by men who viewed a pornographic material prior to the crime. When you can stop porn addiction, you will also have better chances of lowering crime rates and keeping women and children a lot safer.

Porn addiction destroys relationships. You also have to stop porn addiction because it divides families. Many divorce cases were largely because of sex or pornographic addiction in either man or woman. Moreover, because addiction takes a lot of your time, you can seldom develop nurturing activities with your family and friends. There’s even a huge chance that you’ll pass on the behavior to your children, which means they can also be porn addicts even at such a young age.

Ways to Stop Porn Addiction

Fortunately, you do have a lot of choices on how you can prevent porn addiction. You can begin by educating yourself about it. When you know how it works and the usual causes of it, you will also discover the best ways to curb the problem. One has just to keep in mind, though, that the road to healing is going to be very long. This is especially true if the porn addict has it for years, and it has already become part of his life. With constant support and guidance, he can be free from it soon.

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