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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are Your Kids “Off the Chain ?”

Carolyn Guilford ~

Certified Nutrition Consultant

Are your kids driving you up the wall? Are you looking at your children and wondering what is wrong with them? They won’t listen, can’t be still, and can’t concentrate for more than a second, and it’s impossible to get homework done!

You say Johnny won’t behave, and his grades are not what you expect.

Annie’s running around and seems out of control? When you talk to them they seem to be looking for the next thing to get in to, and not hearing you, at all?

Well Parents, ( and Teachers ) these kids may be nutrient deprived. And not only that, but also over stimulated by artificial chemicals.

The proper diet can solve many behavior problems in children, (and in adults). Research shows us more and more that the foods we feed our kids can worsen problems like attention deficit hyperactivity, poor concentration, impatience, and distraction. This, in the classroom leads to: Failure to complete projects, Inability to listen to the whole story, Inability to follow directions.

This Child's future is in jeopardy. We know that kids who are poor learners tend to loose interest in school, have low self esteem, drop out of school, tend to join gangs, and have few job skills; all of which too often leads to criminal behaviors and on to the justice system.

By monitoring what your child is eating you can resolve these learning and behavior problems so that he can have success now, and increase the future success of the child.

Ongoing studies since the 70’s have shown consistently that when certain chemicals, sugars, food dyes, preservatives and caffeine, and in some cases milk and wheat - which typically cause food allergies in children – are removed, children diagnosed with behavioral problems are totally changed. Concentration, along with attentiveness is dramatically improved. The child is less distracted and impulsive, and learning and grades are greatly improved.

Equally as important as avoiding bad foods is adding more good – for - you foods, like salmon and flax seeds which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. And do a great job nourishing the brain. Plus, more fresh vegetables. You knew I was going to say that.

In studies where the diet was managed carefully, and vitamins and minerals were given faithfully, kids grew stronger, excelled in sports and in academics, and teachers were amazed at the turn around and the success of these students.

When this routine was applied to kids with food allergies, the results were just as dramatic and lead scientists to believe that food allergies may be the root of some behavior problems in many persons, children and adults.

Some of the things you want to watch out for and avoid giving your children are: meats with nitrates ( luncheon & deli meats ), fried foods, foods with preservatives and food coloring (dyes), MSG, artificial sweeteners, sodas, junk foods ( chips, crackers, cookies ), High Fructose Corn Syrup, refined carbohydrates ( packaged and processed foods ), hydrogenated fats and sugar.

If you love a child who has problems listening, learning, and cooperating give this idea a try. It could be the best thing you do to insure a change in the short term, and a brighter future. Read the labels, the ingredients, when you buy any commercially made product.

“Health is Wealth”

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