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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Natural Home Remedies To Stop Excessive Sweating

If you suffer from excessive sweating (or hyperhidrosis), you will probably try anything to stop, or even reduce the problem. But with recent concerns over ingredients in anti-perspirants, (aluminium has been linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease), or undesirable side-effects of medication (possible kidney damage) - is it worth risking your health?
Of course you don't want to swap one health issue for another, potentially more dangerous one - so what do you do? Should you just accept your condition and all the social embarrassment that comes with it? Well, thanks to good old Mother Nature - there just might be happier solution.

A number of natural remedies are becoming increasing popular with sufferers of excessive sweating. Although it seems to be the case that there is no single guaranteed solution - isn't this also true of chemical treatments? But since these are natural remedies, you can try all or any of them without worrying about side-effects. In this way you can safely keep trying and testing until you find the cure that is right for you. So, here are just a few popular alternatives to those nasty chemical-laden products: Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey. Mix 2 tsp of (non-acidic) apple cider vinegar with 2 tsp of thick (not runny) raw, organic, honey. Take three times a day on an empty stomach.

Magnesium supplements. These have been known to be helpful in stopping excessive sweating. However, they can have a laxative effect, so you might want to start on a low dose of 400-500 mgm, twice a day. (Magnesium is also helpful for calming the nerves, relieving depression and reducing stress and sleep problems.)

Sage. Boil a few sage leaves for 10 minutes in 1 1/2 cups of water then drink first thing in the morning. If one cup a day doesn't work, try another one a few hours later. Also try adding sage to food.

Baking soda. Combine about a teaspoon of the baking soda and corn starch and mix with rubbing alcohol to form a paste. Add a couple drops of a nicely scented essential oil and it will smell good too! Apply before going to bed, and rinse off in the morning.

Tea soak. Brew a nice strong pot of black tea, let it cool, pour it into a plate of some sort, and soak hands/feet for 3-5 minutes. (Note: soaking too long could turn your skin brown.) For underarms, just get some tea on your hand and rub, let dry, rub again. You can also try this with sage tea.
It's only natural that you want to cure your excessive sweating but equally you don't want to set yourself up with other health concerns. So why not try Nature's Way? Many people have already used these alternative remedies to free themselves from the embarrassment of hyperhidrosis - and you can too. Naturally.

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