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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Importance of Folic Acid for Women

There are dynamic benefits of having appropriate Folic Acid amount in your diet. This is particularly important if you are a woman. American Medical Association has suggested that women should consume a minimum of 1000 mg of Folic Acid per day. In order to ensure healthy hormone functioning and overall decreased risk of nerve and blood pressure related problems, Folic Acid is really important. Any woman of child bearing age should understand that they are meeting the required daily iota of Folic Acid in their body. Taking Folic Acid relaxes the nerves and brings reduced risks of many diseases. Folic Acid supplements may be necessary as it is usually not received adequately through diet. Folic Acid helps you relax more and keeps you vitally healthy and fit overall.

Red blood cells

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells get to develop well on Folic Acid and thus, every woman of menstruating age receives ideal benefits from Folic Acid. It is also helpful for reducing homocysteine levels which can be a complex process to do otherwise. In fact it just does not happen naturally through your diet. Folic Acid levels increase well on a diet rich in leafy greens, vegetables, citrus fruits and whole grains. If you have these on a regular basis, your diet could give you a lot of the requisite daily amount.

Before you become pregnant it is really important to take Folic Acid as a supplement as this helps formation of the fetus as well as a healthy pregnancy for the mother. Folic Acid with their folate content helps in greater DNA synthesis and helps in protein metabolism. When a woman becomes pregnant getting sufficient amounts become even more of a necessity. Adequate levels of Folic Acid may even reduce risks of cancer.

Appropriate levels of Folic Acid are also related to spinal cord defect or Spina Bifida in newborns. This defect would not be there if the mother is having good amount of Folic Acid. Neural tube defects are in fact directly co-related with a deficiency in Folic Acid levels. Moms-to-be thus must start on taking Folic Acid with proper guidance. There should always be a proper nutritional analysis of a pregnant woman’s diet and the deficits must be supplemented with appropriate supplementation which only a proper nutritionist would be able to suggest. Eating folate rich food is one way of staying healthy for every woman.

Taking an 800 mcg tablet of Folic Acid is also beneficial for women who become pregnant. This amount is enough to bring about a lot of preventive measures during pregnancy. Even if anyone takes 1000 mcg per day it is always beneficial for Folic Acid really does not give you any overdosing problem. A trained nutritionist would however be able to tell you how you can keep the levels in proper area for your own benefits. To know for sure whether you are deficient in Folic Acid, you might have to perform a Folic Acid test. This is a simple blood test that can be done on empty stomach with no meals having had within the last 6 hours and no medications either. This test helps you determine the Folic Acid level in your blood and thus you can be sure of the perfect amount that would be suited to you.

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