Hair LossMany of us will face hair loss at one point or another in our lives. Most often it is due to heredity; males are most susceptible, but many females experience it to some degree too. There are also medical treatments, such as chemo, which can cause a person to temporarily go bald.

Over the years humans have came up with all sorts of creative ways to try and solve this predicament. In George Washington’s day, it was in vogue to wear a great big wig. Nowadays, we tend to gravitate towards more natural looking solutions. Whether it be quick weaves, hair plugs, or Rogaine… there are countless hair “fixes” on the market. But what’s hot and what’s not? Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular remedies:

Supplements & Creams
The dietary supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar business. There are now thousands of different supplement formulations available. Some claim that nutrients like copper peptides, biotin, folic acid, and others may help support healthy hair. Although this sounds like a nice idea, the reality is that there’s no supplement that will magically solve severe hair loss. Meanwhile, products like Rogaine do use a proven ingredient, but it only helps to a certain extent. On many people, it may not help at all.

Hair Weaves, Wigs, and Toupees
Wigs have come along way since George’s day, but they still have their drawbacks. For example, according to this tutorial on how to do a quick weave, they can take up to three hours to attach… that doesn’t sound so “quick” to me. Toupees can work on some men, but most of the time they just look like an obvious hair piece. All hair pieces have one thing in common; they’re just covering up the problem. It’s a temporary solution.

Plugs and Transplants
Over the last couple decades, hair plugs have been touted as the best solution… but is that really accurate? Well first of all, they will set you back at least several thousand dollars, if not more. Secondly, only a fraction of the transplanted hair survives; therefore the total number of hair follicles you have left will actually decrease. Last but not least, if you continue losing hair, further transplants will be necessary. So they’re good in the sense that it’s your natural hair, but far from being the magic cure.

No one likes losing their hair. But at the end of the day, it may be easier to just accept it, rather than horse around with quick weaves, hair plugs, and all the other lackluster products.