- Select objectives prior to designing a workout plan to suit your needs. Describe the particular purpose that is actually motivating you to lose weight. Common fitness themes pertaining to teenage males are related to either athletic performance, or to attracting the fairer sex.
Decide whether your goals are best accomplished with a stocky physique, or a leaner frame. For example, basketball players are better suited with lean bodies that are ideal for agility.
Share these ideas with your parents and family physician to verify that your body is fit for undergoing strenuous exercise. - Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption that is both illegal as a minor, and limits your body's tolerance for exercise. Whenever possible, exchange foods high in sodium, refined sugar, and saturated fats for healthier choices. Protein, vitamins, and complex carbohydrates provide essential nutrition to build muscles and improve energy levels.
Fish, beans, vegetables, milk, and whole grains are all healthy food options. However, dietary intake is a difficult variable to control for teenagers relying upon school lunches and mother's cooking. Instead, physical activity is the most realistic means to achieve weight loss for teenage males. - Complete a light jog and stretching routine prior to subjecting your body to physical training. Do so to increase blood flow, heart rate, and a range of motion to prepare your body for exercise. Stretch for ten minutes before and after your workout by matching the technique to each session's regimen. Of course, you should finish calf, quadriceps, and groin stretches as a prelude to running and lower-body work.
- Strength train three to five times per week. Lean muscle mass actually translates into weight loss by speeding up your metabolism to burn calories. Switch muscle groups every session to isolate certain body parts for growth, yet allow for adequate rest. As a teen, you may not have total access to exercise equipment and should learn to use calisthenics for strength.
Calisthenics use gravity against your body weight for resistance. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, dips, chin-ups and wall-sits are exercises that build strength, yet only require flat surfaces to complete. Outdoor recreation stations usually feature bars for both pull-ups and dips.
If you do have access to weight-room equipment, find a partner to work out with as a spotter and to learn correct technique. Squats, power cleans, bench presses, lateral pulls, triceps extensions, and bicep curls are the most important strength training exercises to master. Pump heavier iron for fewer repetitions to build impressive bulk. - Schedule at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity into your daily regimen. Begin cardiovascular work with a moderate jogging pace to elevate your heart rate, prior to increasing the pace. Sprint and walk to enhance a stocky and "cut" physique; and jog for distance to shape a lean body type. Always cool down afterwards with light jogging and walking.
- As a teenager, you do enjoy the opportunity to participate in various activities that complement traditional cross training. You may try out for your high school athletic teams, or sign up for intramurals. Consider enrolling in a physical education course as an elective to appreciate different sports and learn about them. Outside of school, skiing, soccer, and even dancing are all teenage-friendly activities that promote fitness.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Physician's Failure To Recommend Colon Cancer Screening Could Result In Advanced Cancer
When the cancer is located as a small polyp in the course of a regularly scheduled screening procedure, for example, a colonoscopy, the polyp can frequently be removed in the course of the colonoscopy. At this point, there is no need for the surgical removal of any portion of the colon. If the polyp grows into a tumor and reaches Stage 1 or Stage 2, the tumor and a part of the colon on both sides is surgical taken out. The relative 5-year survival rate is over 90% for Stage I and seventy three percent for Stage 2.
If the disease advances to Stage III, surgery is no longer sufficient and the person also needs to undergo chemotherapy. At this stage the likelihood that the individual will still be alive more than 5 years subsequent to the diagnosis falls to 53%, depending on such variables as how many lymph nodes that have cancer.
As soon as the colon cancer reaches Stage 4, treatment might necessitate the use of chemotherapy and possibly different drugs along with surgery on various organs. Should the measurement and quantity of tumors in other organs (such as the liver and lungs) are sufficiently few, surgery to take out the cancer from those other organs may be the primary treatment, then chemotherapy. In some cases the dimensions or number of tumors in the other organs removes the choice of surgery as a treatment.
If chemotherapy and additional drugs can reduce the quantity and dimensions of these tumors, surgery may at that point become an option as the second form of treatment. If not, chemotherapy and other drugs (perhaps through clinical trials) might temporarily halt or reduce the further progression of the cancer. With metastasis the person's chance of surviving the cancer for greater than five years following diagnosis is reduced to approximately eight percent.
The statistics are clear. The time frame in which the cancer is found and treated results in a dramatic difference. If found and treated early, the patient has an excellent chance of surviving the cancer. As detection and treatment is delayed, the odds begin turning against the individual so that once the colon cancer gets to Stage III, the percentage is nearly even. Plus the odds fall precipitously once the colon cancer reaches Stage 4.
However, too frequently physicians do not recommend routine cancer testing to men and women who are asymptomatic. When the cancer is eventually found - many times due to the fact that the tumor has become so large that it is leading to blockage, because the person is losing blood internally and that condition is getting progressively worse, or because the individual starts to detect other indications - the colon cancer is a Stage 3 or even a Stage 4. The patient now confronts a much different outlook than if the cancer had been found early by routine screening.
In medical malpractice terms, the person has suffered a "loss of chance" of a better recovery. In other words, since the doctor failed to advisev that the patient have a routine screening test, the cancer is now much more advanced and the individual faces a much reduced likelihood of surviving the cancer. The failure of a physician to advise the person have screening options for colon cancer may amount to medical malpractice.
Contact a lawyer immediately if you feel there was a delayed diagnosis of colon cancer owing to a physician's failure to recommend routine colon cancer screening. This article is for general educational uses only and should not be considered legal (or medical) advice. For any health issues your should consult with a physician. If you think you may have a medical malpractice claim consult with a lawyer right away. A competent lawyer experienced in medical malpractice can help you determine if you have a claim for a delay in the diagnosis of colon cancer due to a failure on the part of a physician to recommend colon cancer screening. There is a time limit in cases like these so do not wait to call an attorney.
Diagnosed With Metastatic Colon Cancer? Did A Physician Assure You That You Did Not Have Cancer?
Over 10 million men and women have hemorrhoids and another million new cases of hemorrhoids will likely arise this year. In contrast, a little over the 100 thousand new incidents of colon cancer that will be diagnosed . In addition, not all colon cancers bleed. In the event that they do, the bleeding could be non-consistent. Also based on the location of the cancer in the colon, the blood might not actually be apparent in the stool. Maybe it is in part due to the difference in the volume of cases being diagnosed that some physicians basically think that blood in the stool or rectal bleeding is from hemorrhoids. This is gambling, pure and simple. A physician making this diagnosis will be correct over 90% of the time. It appears sensible, right? The concern, though, is that if the doctor is inaccurate in this diagnosis, the patient may not learn he or she has colon cancer until it has progressed to a late stage, perhaps to the point where it is no longer treatable.
When colon cancer is found while still contained within the colon, the individual's five year survival rate will normally be over eighty percent. The 5 year survival rate is a statistical measure of the percentage of people who survive the disease for a minimum of five years following diagnosis. Treatment for early stage colon cancer normally entails only surgery in order to take out the cancerous growth and surrounding portions of the colon. Subject to factors including how advanced the cancer is and the individual's medical history , age, and the individual's physical condition, chemotherapy may or may not be recommended.
This is why doctors frequently advise that a colonoscopy ought to be ordered without delay if a patient complains of blood in the stool or rectal bleeding. A colonoscopy is a procedure whereby a flexible scope with a camera on the end is employed to visualize the interior of the colon. If growths (polyps or tumors) are discovered, they can be extracted (if small enough) or sampled and tested for the presence of cancer (by biopsy). Only if no cancer is detected from the colonoscopy can colon cancer be ruled out as a source of the blood.
But, if the cancer is diagnosed after it has spread past the colon and has reached the lymph nodes, the patient's five year survival rate will normally be roughly 53%. In addition to surgery to take out the tumor and surrounding portions of the colon treatment for this stage of colon cancer requires chemotherapy in an attempt to get rid of any cancer that might remain in the body. By the time the cancer reaches distant organs for example the liver, lungs, or brain, the patient's 5 year survival rate is lowered to near 8%. If treatment options exist for a patient at this stage, they may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other medications. Treatment might no longer be helpful the moment the cancer is this advanced. When treatment stops being helpful, colon cancer is fatal. This year, about forty eight thousand men and women will pass away in the U.S. from metastatic colon cancer.
As a result of telling the patient that blood in the stool or rectal bleeding as caused by hemorrhoids while not completing the appropriate tests to rule out colon cancer, a doctor puts the patient at risk of not knowing he or she has colon cancer before it reaches an advanced, possibly no longer treatable, stage. This might constitute a departure from the accepted standard of medical care and may end in a medical malpractice claim.
Nutrigenomics And Cancer
Cancer cells, however, do not die; instead they continue to multiply which to a massive growth of abnormal cells in the body. The oncogenes or cancer-promoting cells help normal cell turn into a tumor cell. These give the cells new properties which defy the programmed death of the cell and proliferate instead. The tumor suppressor genes protect the cell from turning into cancer. However, when these genes are mutated, the cell can progress to cancer.
Certain lifestyle and environment factors promote the development of cancer cells in the body. If our body is exposed to carcinogens, or the substances that are responsible to the damage of the DNA, we are most likely to develop the disease. These carcinogens are linked to specific types of cancer. Tobacco smoke is associated to lung cancer, exposure to asbestos leads to mesothelioma; ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause skin cancer, and many others.
Thus, it is important that we should develop a healthy lifestyle to combat against the carcinogens that are present in our environment. This lifestyle includes the proper diet that will strengthen our immunity. Nutrigenomics is a study that will change how we see food and nutrients in relation to cancer treatment and prevention. It aims to educate people that proper diet and nutrition can affect how our genes response to the medication prescribed by the medical experts.
Just like in all other chronic diseases, medical professionals advise people to take preventive measures against cancer. Though taking them does not guarantee cancer prevention, this can help reduce the risk of developing the dreaded disease. Exercising and proper weight management, not using tobacco products, eating a well-balanced diet, and protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun are usual ways to lower the risk of developing certain cancers. However, in some cases, vaccination is also recommended to avoid some viruses that can trigger certain cancers.
There are several ways that cancer can be treated. Early detection of the disease is primarily the key to the successful treatment of the disease. These treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and gene therapy. Some doctors employ a combination of those therapies depending on the stage, location, severity of the disease, and other factors that could affect the efficacy of the treatment. But all these can be futile if our body does not respond to the treatments well.
As we all know, our body need nutrients that will enhance the effect of the treatments administered to our body. Because of this, nutrigenomics can be applied in finding out what those nutrients are. In this way, nutritionists will be able to formulate a customized diet which is deemed appropriate and effective to the patient.
Diet has always been a factor either in the development or prevention of diseases. Researchers have found that possible prevention for cancer can be found on the food nutrients that we consume. Some foods like green tea, cruciferous vegetables, olive oil, walnuts, peanuts, pomegranates, and grapes contain polyphenol. Polyphenol acts as antioxidant that protects the body from chemical damage caused by free radicals, which cause degenerative diseases and cancers.
Nutrigenomics has shown that food nutrients have effects on the gene expressions of human beings. It aims to identify the specific nutritional needs of individuals according to his genetic makeup. Through this, people who are highly at risk to cancer will be given a specified and tailor-made diet prescription that can decrease their susceptibility to the disease. This field of study gives us a new insight on the causes of cancers, their preventions, and their treatments.
Steps In Reducing The Risks Of Breast Cancer
Let's take a look at some steps that will help everyone in reducing the risks of breast cancer.
Limit consumption of alcohol and quit smoking. Alcohol; whether it is beer, wine or whiskey either limit it to one glass a day or just completely avoid it. It is not doing any good anyways. And if you smoke its high time you have to quit those things as well. It might be hard if you are addicted to these but as we always know it prevention is better than cure. These factors can cause a drastic change in one's life style and other metabolic activities which is said to be the most common cause of cancer. Why risk it?
Eating properly on low fat food and keeping a calorie counter is really important. You can seek a consultant if you need help with your diet so that they can tell you what the best is for you from your weight, height and other factors. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and preferably cook for the day and don't keep it for a week or two days, just for the day, what is needed. This can ensure you are eating healthy as well. Eating at proper timings is also important.
Working out, taking yoga classes, going to the gym, jogging, aerobics or any other form of physical exercises to ensure each and every part of your body is actually at work. Sometimes when certain parts go idle they get too lazy and creates enough problems to give us painful situations. Let us not give into the laziness, let us work hard. These days lack of exercise is being a major concern
Obesity is linked with breast cancer as a possible cause. Maintain your weight. Make sure you work out enough and if you are overweight, please consult a physician's advice to cut down the weight. There is nothing to worry about if you are obese as well; these are just some prevention measures to help in reducing the risks of breast cancer.
You can also consult your doctor regarding hormonal therapy as a step for reducing the risks of breast cancer. You should also stay away from unwanted drugs. Make sure you do breast cancer checks by yourself often. If you find anything suspicious, please visit your doctor. You can also take mammograms and other methods to keep a check on your health. These steps however are just prevention procedures. Practice it and lead a healthy lifestyle, do all you can from your side and hope nothing will happen.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
cancer of the ovary
Women desperate for the condition of being pregnant may possibly be setting themselves up for tumor if they take fertility medication. Mary Rossing, PH.D. And colleagues at the University of Washington at the Cancer Research Center discover that women taking fertility medication had 2-1/s times the usual hazard of increasing ovarian cancer, especially long-term make use of of the drug clomiphene, at the Stanford University school of Medicine discover a threefold greater take the risk of of ovarian cancer together with women using fertility drugs.
Ovarian cancer is thought to stem from genetic mistakes that happen as cells divide to fix the ovary once it ruptures to discharge an egg. Before the present time the condition of being pregnant, which comes to an end ovulation for months at a time, has been revealed to greatly lessen the likelihood of a woman developing ovarian cancer, it stands to reason that whatever thing that stimulates ovulation will hold the opposite influence.
This genetic imperfection, by the way, may possibly be corrected through good nutrition. All the illnesses that befall us are the result or influenced by genes. Exactly for the reason that you are born with faulty genes, does not mean you tolerate to live with them. The truth is, the body has enzymatic machinery designed to annihilate and restore faulty nuclear DNA (genes). This offensive line depends on good nourishment for optimum performance. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., says, think of the gene as the seed, the surroundings as the soil. You can grow a healthy plant in high-quality soil even if you start out with a weak seed.
A ally revealed me they recently open the gene for being overweight. It was revealed at the bottom of a container of Haagen Daz ice cream, she laughed.
The eating of dairy products has been connected to a higher-than-normal incidence of ovarian cancer. In 1989, Gynecologist Daniel Kramer at Harvard Medical School in Boston linked galactose eating with an increased take the risk of of ovarian cancer. Galactose has been discover to be toxic to human eggs, it may possibly be that it in some way interferes with our enzymatic offensive line.
If you need to avoid ovarian cancer, do not eat fatty products, and concentrate of fresh, whole vegetables. Harvey Risch, M.D., Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University School of Medicine discover that the unpleasant cholesterol-raising properties of Tran fatty acids, saturated fat an eggs increased a woman's likelihood of delivering ovarian cancer. He discover eating vegetable fiber decreased the risk as it decreased the cholesterol. He has come to the clonclusion that reducing the intake of saturated fat and consuming supplementary vegetables appears to reduce the danger of ovarian cancer. If your cholesterol is high and you are concerned about ovarian cancer, take aged garlic extract.
Author Resource:- Our mission is to provide educational and practical resources which will encourage people to be proactive concerning their Health situation, whatever it may be; to show them how to begin to take control of both their short- end long-term Health circumstances for the benefit of themselves and their families.
Top Tips On Ways To Get Fit
For a muscular body highly intensive exercising is required whereas for a fit body daily exercising is required which is good enough to burn the extra calories intake in the body. A person can remain fit if a proper co-ordination is there between the daily exercise and the diet. The daily diet of a person should not contain high cholesterol level and should contain optimum quantity of roughage and green vegetables.
Talking in terms of the diet, it should provide the body with all the essential nutrients required by the body. One thing should always be kept in mind that a person should never stuff him with food and should always eat lesser than what he is capable of. This prevents the body from getting dizzy and the person remains energetic the whole time. Stuffing the body with food affects the working of the body as then the body takes a lot of time in digesting the food which in turn affects the circulation of blood in the blood and the whole time the person feels sleepy.
The diet taken by a person is mainly responsible for the weight of the person and it should be taken in accordance to the physical exercise of a person as light food should be taken for the person who needs to sit the whole day and on the other hand heavy diet for the person involved in a field job. In addition to the diet of the person, one should make a weekly chart of the physical exercises to be done.
A daily exercise helps in refreshing the body and one never feels lousy. There are many exercises that can be done at home only and don't even require any equipment. One alternative to get fit is to try yoga which takes around 30 to 45 minutes of time in the morning and keeps the body fit and away from many problems.
At night generally many people take their dinner and go to sleep which is highly discouraged and in turn one should go for a small walk after having dinner so that the food gets digested easily as while sleeping the body is at rest and the time taken for the digestion of the food is more than in the day time.
Lastly a person can opt for joining a fitness club nearby which enables one to get a professional training. A person can choose to have any of the above mentioned ways to get fit and get benefited where the diet plays a vital role with the fitness
Monday, June 28, 2010
Improving Emotional Health

People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and their behavior. They are able to handle life’s inevitable challenges, build strong relationships, and lead productive, fulfilling lives. When bad things happen, they’re able to bounce back and move on.
Unfortunately, too many people take their mental and emotional health for granted – focusing on it only when they develop problems. But just as it requires effort to build or maintain physical health, so it is with mental and emotional health. The more time and energy you invest in your emotional health, the stronger it will be. The good news is that there are many things you can do to boost your mood, build resilience, and get more enjoyment out of life.
What is mental health or emotional health?
Mental or emotional health refers to your overall psychological well-being. It includes the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with difficulties.
Good mental health isn't just the absence of mental health problems. Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. Rather than the absence of mental illness, mental and emotional health refers to the presence of positive characteristics.
People who are mentally and emotionally healthy have:
- A sense of contentment.
- A zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun.
- The ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity.
- A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and their relationships.
- The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change.
- A balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc.
- The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships.
- Self-confidence and high self-esteem.
Breast Cancer At A Glance
- One in every eight women in the United States develops breast cancer.
- The causes of breast cancer are not yet fully known although a number of risk factors have been identified.
- Breast cancer is diagnosed with self- and physician- examination of the breasts, mammography, ultrasound testing, and biopsy.
- There are many types of breast cancer that differ in their capability of spreading (metastasize) to other body tissues.
- Treatment of breast cancer depends on the type and location of the breast cancer, as well as the age and health of the patient.
- The American Cancer Society recommends that a woman should have a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40 years. Between 40 and 50 years of age mammograms are recommended every other year. After age 50 years, yearly mammograms are recommended.
Breast Cancer What Questions Be Ask
If you have received a positive or possible diagnosis of breast cancer, there are a number of questions that you can ask your doctor. The answers you receive to these questions should give you a better understanding of your specific diagnosis and the corresponding treatment. It is usually helpful to write your questions down before you meet with your health-care provider. This gives you the opportunity to ask all your questions in an organized fashion.
Each question is followed by a brief explanation as to why that particular question is important. We will not attempt to answer these questions in detail here because each individual case is just that, individual. This outline is designed to provide a framework to help you and your family make certain that most of the important questions in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment have been addressed. As cancer treatments are constantly evolving, specific recommendations and treatments might change and you should always confer with your treatment team regarding any questions.
Is the doctor sure I have breast cancer?
Certain types of cancer are relatively easy to identify by standard microscopic evaluation of the tissue. This is generally true for the most common types of breast cancer.
However, as the search for earlier and rarer forms of breast cancer progresses, it can be difficult to be certain that a particular group of cells is malignant (cancerous). At the same time, benign conditions may have cells which are somewhat distorted in appearance or pattern of growth (known as atypical cells or atypical hyperplasia). For this reason, it is important that the pathologist reading the slides of your breast biopsy be experienced in breast pathology. Most good pathology groups have multiple pathologists review questionable or troublesome slides. In more difficult cases, the slides will often be sent to recognized specialists with considerable expertise in breast pathology.
Healthy Life Starts With Happy Life
Having a happy life starts with making your surroundings enjoyable and your abode a pleasant place to live in. When we come home from work we want to kick off our shoes and place ourselves in a relaxing state. If your surroundings are messy then it is hard to relax. A clean quiet room is the place to start to relax.
After you sit back and are relaxing and feeling calmed from the days work or activities it is time to think of a place that makes you happy. Be it a field of daisies or a swimming pool floating on a raft. Making you feel happy and relaxed is a crucial part to a healthy life.
In a healthy life, relaxing and meditation can be a part of you day, even at work. You can sit back in your chair and think of your relaxing place. At times doing this technique several times a day you will find you are able to deal with the work stresses in a better manner. Becoming irate toward others just makes your day bad as well as theirs.
In conclusion it does not cost you anything to relax and think of a calm place to be. Just take a bit of time in your busy schedule to do this and soon your days will be more at an even keel. You will find that you are calmer when you are faced with hectic problems!
Teenage Male Weight Loss Exercises
Fast Weight Lost For Your Fat Belly
I am sure that you heard once you reach the age of 40, you are over the hill. Then you develop the middle age spread. The idea of stopping eating for several days for fast weight loss has gone away, unheard of, out of the question. Did you happen to notice that even kids and teenagers seem to have developed the spread as well?
In this article I will reveal to you the secrets to fast weight loss and belly be gone with suggestions and programming the subconscious mind using hypnosis . People lose unwanted weight and reduce their belly size. When hypnosis is performed correctly, a person will be able to leave food on their plate, feel fuller with less food and be disinterested in food.
The second secret to shrinking the mid section experience fast weight loss, drink lots of water all day long. Drinking 12 OZ of water 15 minutes before each meal will help reduce the amount of food you are consuming. Most often people eat ” of what they normally would.
So many people are struggling with weight gain and belly fat due to the enormous amounts of chemicals that are put into our food supply. Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a major way you can achieve fast weight loss. Although HFCS is in almost all foods, there are still plenty foods without it. Most excess weight gain is caused by HFCS.
In 1970 HFCS was added to our food supply. Every generation of Americans are heavier without any relief in sight since that time. Can you believe that just stopping the consumption of HFCS will cause you to experience fast weight loss and reduce your belly size?
If you want to experience fast weight loss then stop ingesting HFCS. It has a negative affect on your body. IT dramatically increases your appetite and causes you to be addicted to whatever you are eating. Also, it has a negative affect on your metabolism and insulin levels.
Eliminating soft drinks from your diet will immediately reduce the size of your mid section. There are thirteen teaspoons of sugar in a regular soft drink. The diet version is full of artificial sweeteners, which are chemicals that make your stomach to become larger. If you want to experience fast weight loss, stop soft drinks right away.
Another secret is become physically active. All you have to do is get out of the house and start walking. It does not have to be much, just start moving. The goal would be to walk 20 Minutes per day. Now if you want to experience fast weight loss, combine hypnosis with your walking to add discipline, will power and self-control.
Do you know anyone who walks 45 minutes or longer but still does not experience fast weight loss? That is due to the body becoming accustomed to the routine and adapting quickly. Unless you are huffing and puffing, it has very little affect on your body. Here is the last and final secret; to speed up your metabolism and burn belly fat, you need to burn that belly fat and turn that 20 minute walk into an interval workout. This will cause your cardiovascular system to become stronger and you will lose your weight quicker.
Diet and Health - How Foods Affect Your Health
- Diet and Your Heart
- Foods and Other Health Conditions
- Nutrition and Children
- Diet and Aging
Diet and Your Heart

Heart problems, along with other cardiovascular conditions, can be affected by the foods you eat. Learn how the right choices can help protect your heart.
- Eating For a Healthy Heart
- Top Foods For Your Heart
- Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease With Diet
- What Are The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
- Best Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Plant or Animal Sources?
- Do Vitamins E and C Raise Blood Pressure?
Foods and Other Health Conditions

Eating a healthy diet may help to prevent some health conditions from occurring. If you are already ill, making dietary changes may improve how you feel. Learn about how the foods you eat can impact various health conditions and disorders.
- Foods and Eye Health
- Foods That May Prevent Cancer
- Eat Right To Prevent Colds and Flu
- Diet and Multiple Sclerosis
- Foods and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- What Is Night Eating Syndrome?
- What Is a Gluten-Free Diet?
- Anti-inflmmatory Foods
- Favorite Healing Foods
Nutrition and Children

Good nutrition is important for normal childhood growth and development and following a balanced diet (including a good breakfast) may help kids do better in school. Here are some articles to help you feed your kids a good diet, whether they happily eat their vegetables or not.
- Why Kids Won't Try New Foods
- Hating Vegetables May Be Genetic
- Can Children Take Probiotics?
- Should Children Take Vitamins?
- Back To School Nutrition
- Sack Lunch Tips
- Boost Nutrition With After-School Snacks
- Healthy After-School Snacks For Teens
- Getting More Omega-3 Fats Into a Child's Diet
- Quick and Painless Ways To Sneak Good Nutrition Into Any Kid's Diet
- Introduce Your Child To Cooking
- Is Soy Safe For Children?
- Can Hotdogs Cause Brain Tumors?
Diet and Aging

As the body ages, nutritional needs change and sometimes eating good foods isn't as easy as it once was. Elderly people who are alone may not eat as well as they should and maybe it's more difficult to chew or swallow. Following a healthy diet is an important part of aging gracefully, so here's some help.
- Can Foods Help Menopause?
- Mediterranean Diet For a Longer Life
- Curry May Prevent Alzheimers
- Soy Foods Do Not Cause Dementia
- Learning To Eat With Dentures
How To Lose Weight Fast
The result of this confusion is often that people will toss up their hands in defeat and return to their unhealthy eating habits that have created the weight problem in the first place. They question if they should focus on low fat foods, which tend to be diets that are higher in carbohydrates. Here is a Short Must Watch Video for Weight Lose breaking down the foods you should focus on to lose weight fast. The reward is tips on how to lose weight fast.
Then there are many types of low carb diet plan programs that are widely promoted and which have many celebrity endorsements. Some of these programs say you don't need to worry about how much fat you eat in your diet, but that you will be able to lose weight quickly simply by limiting the amount of carbs that you eat. At the same time there are many who say this approach is dangerous and unhealthy.
Probably the best advice to is avoid any kind of fad diets that make unrealistic promises about how to lose weight fast. Some of these fads should be able to be easily identified by using common sense. Does anyone really believe that they can permanently drop the pounds by following crazy diets such as the cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet?
8 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
1. Learn to Read Labels
2. Snack Smart
3. Eat More Grains and Produce
4. Eat Enough, Often Enough
5. Drink Plenty of Water
6. Get Moving
7. Practice Portion Control
8. Write it Down
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Losing Your Hair-The Good-The Bad-The Ugly
Many of us will face hair loss at one point or another in our lives. Most often it is due to heredity; males are most susceptible, but many females experience it to some degree too. There are also medical treatments, such as chemo, which can cause a person to temporarily go bald.
Over the years humans have came up with all sorts of creative ways to try and solve this predicament. In George Washington’s day, it was in vogue to wear a great big wig. Nowadays, we tend to gravitate towards more natural looking solutions. Whether it be quick weaves, hair plugs, or Rogaine… there are countless hair “fixes” on the market. But what’s hot and what’s not? Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular remedies:
Supplements & Creams
The dietary supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar business. There are now thousands of different supplement formulations available. Some claim that nutrients like copper peptides, biotin, folic acid, and others may help support healthy hair. Although this sounds like a nice idea, the reality is that there’s no supplement that will magically solve severe hair loss. Meanwhile, products like Rogaine do use a proven ingredient, but it only helps to a certain extent. On many people, it may not help at all.
Hair Weaves, Wigs, and Toupees
Wigs have come along way since George’s day, but they still have their drawbacks. For example, according to this tutorial on how to do a quick weave, they can take up to three hours to attach… that doesn’t sound so “quick” to me. Toupees can work on some men, but most of the time they just look like an obvious hair piece. All hair pieces have one thing in common; they’re just covering up the problem. It’s a temporary solution.
Plugs and Transplants
Over the last couple decades, hair plugs have been touted as the best solution… but is that really accurate? Well first of all, they will set you back at least several thousand dollars, if not more. Secondly, only a fraction of the transplanted hair survives; therefore the total number of hair follicles you have left will actually decrease. Last but not least, if you continue losing hair, further transplants will be necessary. So they’re good in the sense that it’s your natural hair, but far from being the magic cure.
No one likes losing their hair. But at the end of the day, it may be easier to just accept it, rather than horse around with quick weaves, hair plugs, and all the other lackluster products.