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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Healthy Breakfast

healthy-breakfastBreakfast is must to act actively throughout the day. It is not advisable to omit breakfast. It leads to low blood sugar, so do not start your day without sufficient blood sugar. Otherwise, you will lose your energy and concentration, so you are forced to have some snacks or fast foods to compensate, and it is not fair.

Breakfast is the starters of your day; it should be healthy and packed with whole nutrients, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates, which can take you to till lunchtime with proper blood sugar level. The following breakfasts are really easy and healthier.

Bread and bakery

Whole grain bread is the best and simple breakfast. It tastes better than toasted bread. It is better to have bread with honey, low fat jam, peanut or other nut butter. Purchasing pastries and muffins from bakery, snack bars orcafés are not considered as the healthy one, because they may contain very high sugar and saturated fat and also packed with hydrogenated oils. It is better to prepare in home.



Coffee and tea are most common drinks loved by all of us. But it is not that much good for health. Instead of having coffee or tea you can have herbal tea, dandelion coffee or a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon to give a rapid start to the day. Hot water with a slice of lemon before breakfast is really works better through out the day.


It is a must to have cereals in your breakfast. You can get cereals in many varieties such as with sugar and salt with lower nutritional worth. You can consume with oatmeal, seeds, whole grains, seeds and dried fruits, finally add fresh fruit. To get better taste you can add soymilk, fruit juice or milk with cereals.


It is better to use skimmed or semi skimmed milk with drinks or cereals. Oat or soymilk substitutes are very enjoyable with cereals, because of its creamy surface. Live Yogurt is a best breakfast food. Select foods which contain low fat with nuts, seeds or fresh fruits.

Fresh fruit

It is best to drink a glass of fruit juice or shake made with fruits in your breakfast. While consuming cereals it is better to have some sliced fruits, it looks better as well as healthier. In summer you can have fruit salad for refreshment.


Porridge is the healthiest breakfast for all. It is not a difficult task to prepare porridge, if you spare 5 to 10 minutes you can even make a creamy porridge. Oats contain fiber, Vitamin E and B, iron, calcium and other minerals in high level. Porridge with milk is a good for women, because it has more minerals and calcium. To make your porridge even healthier you can add grated apples, nuts or raisins while cooking.

Apart from the above there are some cooking directions to follow:

Use olive or sunflower oil to fry instead of butter or lard; it is a must to stir all the oils before serving. To get crisper finish, you can slice and pouch button mushrooms in milk or water. Flat mushrooms can be cooked with little oil and bake with oven or grill.

Scrambled eggs are better than frying. It is better to have low salt bacon and sausages. Extract all the fat from bacon. Whole grain bread is better than white bread for breakfast.

Healthy Super Foods

new-docomentsThere are some foods which we have to take regularly to maintain our health and to live happily. There are 10 healthy foods considered as Super Foods. In these Super foods nutrients per calorie is more comparing to other regular foods. These Super foods have all vitamins, nutrients and minerals in high level to prevent all kinds of diseases from heart diseases to arthritis. These super foods are really a perfect one for healthy heart. These 10 Super Foods should take place in our regular diet program. The super foods are listed below.


There are nearly 7,500 varieties of apples in the world. You can get quarter of your daily requirement of Vitamin C in just one apple. Vitamin C helps to get healthy skin and gums. Antioxidants are fully packed in an apple. Soluble fiber called pectin is high in apple and it helps to decrease your blood cholesterol level to maintain the digestive system healthy. It helps to steady increase in blood sugar level. It really works with weight loss and maintains diabetic blood sugar level.


Bananas are really a high-energy fruit comparing to other fruits. It is high in carbohydrate. It is suitable to take before, during or after exercise. All the fruits consist of plant chemicals known as antioxidants. These antioxidants really help to protect our body from radical damage that can lead to heart disease or cancer. Bananas are fully loaded with potassium to control blood pressure, and Vitamin B6 for healthy hair and skin.

Baked beans

Baked beans are a power factory of nutrients like fiber, protein, calcium and iron. It also contains carbohydrates and low Glycaemic Index like in Apple. Baked Beans with tomato sauce is a best antioxidant combination to control heart disease and prostate cancer. Insoluble fiber in baked beans helps to gather short-chain fatty acids caused by bacteria in colon or large intestine. These fatty acids feed colon lining and preventing cancer-causing assailant.

Brazil nuts

Basically nuts are rich in essential fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended that having some handful of nuts for 4 times a week can prevent heart diseases and control hunger. Brazil Nuts are the best medicine to protect Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and depression, because a source called selenium is high level in Brazil nuts.


Broccoli contains antioxidants and vitamin C in large level. Vitamin C is the best foundation for folic acid. Large intake of folic acid can prevent heart diseases. The Special antioxidant called lutein, which plays a major role in controlling age related macular degeneration (AMD) are high in broccoli. Broccoli contains a special anti cancer assets called sulphoraphane and phytochemical.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the best medicine to lower bad cholesterol and to increase good cholesterol levels. Olive oil is good for heart, because monosaturated fat is high in Olive oil. A tablespoon of Olive oil contains 120 kilocalories, the same calorie you can get from a large slice of bread and butter. So calorie level is really high in Olive oil.

Whole grain Seeded Bread

Bread is a best diet to fight against heart diseases, overweight and helps to lower hunger pangs. Breads consists more seeds and whole grain. Breads contain fiber and vital fatty acids to work resourcefully.


Fish has minerals, vitamins and proteins. In oily fishes like salmon the omega 3 fatty acids are large in quantity. Omega 3 fatty acids are best medicine to decrease inflammation and blood clotting. Fish is the best food to prevent heart attack radically even in older adults. Omega 3 fat is really good to control depression. Over all fish is an all round brain food.


Tea is the best drink loved by all persons and it is having some protection. The source caffeine is helping to invigorate alertness, motivation and mood. It is recommended to have tea to control dehydration. Antioxidant called catechins is rich in tea. It protects heart disease and avoids development of muggy blood clots.


Yogurt is an easily available source for calcium. For people those who are not able to digest large amount of milk sugar and lactose can have Yogurt as milk substitute. Yogurt is the best medicine, which fights with harmful bacteria that causes diarrhea after consumption of antibiotics.

Food or Diet pills?

health-lifeIt has been noticed that up to 65 percent of adult American use multivitamin pills daily. The reason behind, they think that the vital nutrition are not sufficient in food, they are eating. However, healthy people, who perform little physical exercise, can get all vital nutrition from the balanced diet to maintain healthy life.

Natural food provides us a complete balance and no artificial supplement can take it place. Additionally, eating healthy and delicious food is one of the pleasures of our life. Still, 23.7 billion dollar market of food supplements represents the picture of hope that people have associated with multivitamins to maintain healthy life.

Value of food Supplements

Though, food supplements supply vitamins, minerals ant antioxidants to our body, but in fact, they do not supply all the essential ingredients necessary for good health.

Researchers have revealed that we need 42 vital nutrients each day and multivitamin pills provide partial amount of the requirement.

In majority of the people supplements are not needed, if you are taking a balanced diet. Additional nutrients neither provide any extra energy to the body nor extra strength to brain.

Diet pills and disease prevention

Vitamin pills and supplements have their own values, especially during the diseases that are associated with their deficiencies. There are number of diseases that can occur due to vitamin deficiency, these include rickets, beriberi, pellagra etc. These diseases can be largely found in the underdeveloped countries where food lacks some essential vitamins.

The diseases that are prevailing in the American society are not caused by the malnutrition but these have a direct concern with the healthy diet for example cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart problems etc. Need of food supplements exempt, when people develop the habit of moderate eating.

Studies have shown that the antioxidants pills may protect against cancer, however recent studies have shown that the long term use of antioxidant, instead of providing protection, may do some harm. In contrast, use of foods that are rich in antioxidants like, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables etc have been shown to be protective. Most of the clinical trials have presented no benefits of antioxidant supplements in the prevention of the heart diseases.

Harmful affects of nutrition pills

Heavy doses of high potency vitamins could harm your health. These supplement pills contain ten to hundred times more than the recommended vitamins and minerals and may act as prescribed drug with serious consequences. Intake of excessive supplement may produce some unwanted outcomes such as hair loss, diarrhea and fatigue.

Some other severe affects are renal failure, nerve or liver damage, birth defects in women etc. After a certain level of specific nutrient in the body it starts to work as drug rather than nutrient.

Need of food supplements

Majority of people can easily get their vital nutrition alone from food. Some elements such as calcium and iron require food selection but adequate amount can easily be got through the regular food. There are some conditions that require the multivitamin pills which are as follow:

  • Those people who have problem with food intake and some elderly, who hardly meet their nutrition requirement.
  • Strictly vegetarian people, who eat no meat, egg or dairy products at all, may develop deficiency of iron, calcium, vitamin B-12 and some essential proteins.
  • There is a higher need of nutrients for pregnant and breastfeeding mother, especially calcium, iron and folic acid.

You should use diet pills after consulting your dietitian.

Tips to Get Best Out of Your Vitamins

CB060657Multivitamins have become so popular in the modern age because most of us do not take a balanced diet.

This is the very reason that raises the importance of minerals and food supplements.

Besides the nutritional value of these food supplements, these are being used to get significant health benefits.

Some of the most important reasons to get these vitamins include;

For getting full benefits from food needed for healthy growth. To get a healthy vision particularly in case of night blindness.

  • Prevention against various cancers
  • For the maintenance of healthy nervous system
  • Keep in order the production of red blood cells
  • To strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis
  • Proper clotting of blood and healing of wounds
  • Cut the risk of developing heart diseases
  • To help the production of DNA and RNA
  • Keep the immune system strong
  • Protect body from oxidative damages
  • Prevent the symptoms and help to fight against diabetes

As it is clearly shown from the above vital bases, for taking the multivitamins and food supplements, these supplements are a part and parcel, to maintain a sound health.


After knowing the importance of these vitamins, the most important thing is to know the fact that all of these vitamins and minerals are not benevolent. Some of these work against other by spoiling its benefits. Out of all, some require to be used with food, and some must be avoided after taking certain things. There are some guidelines to get the most out of these nutritional supplements:

  • Iron tablets are not easily absorbed. So they should be taken with Vitamin C, or liquids or edibles rich in Vitamin C like citrus fruits
  • The inclusion of mineral supplements is obstructed by tea and coffee so avoide to take these together
  • Fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, and E require food to be absorbed well. So these should be used along food
  • The vitamins which may essentially provide better absorption are time-released vitamins
  • Chelated minerals which are linked with organic compounds like picolinates, citrates, or amino acids have better tendency of absorption than those associated with inorganic compounds such as phosphates and sulfates
  • Natural Vitamin C and synthetic Vitamins C are equivalently used by the body
  • Excess of Iron, Selenium, and Zinc can be toxic for the body
  • Stomach can be disturbed with the too much intake of Vitamin C
  • Calcium supplements work well with magnesium and it is advised that these should be taken with magnesium. So mostly good quality calcium supplements already have it
  • If Zinc is taken in excess, it should be coupled with copper as well
  • Absorption of Zinc is reduced by Iron supplements, so they should be avoided to be taken at a time
  • The inclusion of vitamin E can be reduced by high dosed of iron supplements
  • The people who are on anti-coagulant medications such as warfarin should not take vitamin E supplements
  • Calcium supplements should be avoided if someone has cancer or kidney stone
  • Vitamin E is better absorbed when is taken in natural forms as compared to synthetic vitamin E
  • Vitamin E supplements and coenzyme Q10 may be proved beneficial for the women on oral contraceptives

Causes and Diet Management of Anemia- Iron Deficiency

anemiadietIron deficiency is the main reason for anemia. Iron plays a major role to form hemoglobin in blood. It is possible to see nearly 30 percent of iron in ferritin and hemosiderin in the liver, bone marrow and spleen.

Reasons for Anemia

There are many reasons for anemia, and the major reason is by iron deficiency. The below mentioned are some of the major reasons for anemia through iron deficiency.

Physical change

It is very important to the increase the necessity of iron and red blood cells to maintain the changes in our body while growing and during pregnancy.

Blood Loss

It is possible to see the maximum level of iron in the blood. So automatically loss of blood can cause iron deficiency, and iron deficiency leads to anemia. Menstrual bleeding, GI bleeding and blood loss thru injury are the major causes for blood loss.

Low iron foods

It is advised to increase the intake of foods that contains iron in high level. Normally we can able to get 1 milligram of iron from 10-20 milligrams of iron supplements.

Irregularity gastrointestinal strip

It is usual that we will experience iron mal absorption after some kind of gastrointestinal operations. The upper small intestine is the major absorber of the iron. If you find any deviation in the GI region you can easily come to a conclusion that you are suffering from anemia.

Indications of anemia

You can easily identify the iron deficient anemia through many indications, but the indications will vary person to person. The following mentioned indications are some of the common iron deficiency anemia like development of heart rate, engorged spleen, bad temper, fatigue, unusual fading in color and a wish to taste some typical stuff like ice or dirt. It is possible to experience some other blood related problems from the indication of iron deficient anemia.

Treatment for iron-deficiency anemia

It is important to take treatment for iron deficiency anemia only after the suggestion from the experienced physician. Your physician will give the treatment based on your age, health and medical background, reason for anemia and stage of the anemia. You need to accept medications and therapies. Apart from the above it is possible to treat with the below mentioned treatment also.

Iron enhancement: It is advised to consume maximum iron supplements for a long period that can protect. It is important to consume the supplements along with orange juice in an empty stomach to develop the amalgamation.

Diet with maximum iron: You can also have foods that contain iron supplements in high level to avoid anemia. It is advised to consume the foods like meat, leafy green vegetables, yeast, legumes, poultry and fish. The participation of iron in the above-mentioned foods is very high.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

green-teaGreen tea is the most popular drink with excellent taste and health supplements. Green tea is not only a beverage; it can be used as a medicine. It is proved that more than thousand years green tea leaves contributed its benefits to the people.

Green Tea and Cancer

The recent research proved that the citizens of some particular region of China and Japan are risk free from cancer comparing to other people of the world. The major reason is that they consume more green tea comparing to other people.

It is possible to have more antioxidants in green tea to check or totally prevent the cancers and tumors. Green tea is a medicine to prevent cancer and it is better to drink green tea as substitute for other drinks.

It is common that there are sufficient antioxidants in all types of tea. In green tea the percentage of antioxidant is very high comparing to black tea and white tea. Green tea contributes a small portion in preventing the risk of smoking. You should be aware that no herb or medicine can prevent the risks of smoking; it is better to stop smoking to get rid off all the risk factors caused by smoking.

Prevailing Green Teas

You should be very careful while choosing green tea for preparation. It is advisable to select fresh and high quality tea. The antioxidants are very high in high-grade teas comparing to low-grade tea. To get best quality tea, it is better to order through online from merchants.

You should be very careful while purchasing the tea; the main condition is it should not be powdery. You can easily identify if there is some maltreatment. It is also possible to get jasmine flavored green tea. In flavor teas you can feel unique aroma and flavor. Consuming flavor tea is not much beneficial for health; it can be consumed only for taste.

Other benefits of Green Tea

You can see the participation of green tea in soap, lotions, shampoos and muffins also. It is possible to get the benefits of green tea in the form of applications. It is possible to have green tea in form of cookies and muffins.

If you are not interested in having bakery products, it is possible to convert the cookies and muffins into tea. Just crush the cookies and muffins and add some water, stir well and drink. You can apply green tea on your scalp and rinse after shampooing; green tea can be used as a conditioner. It really helps to strengthen you hair and avoids irritations on the scalp.

Making of Green Tea

great-flavor-green-teeMaking of green tea is an art; the concentration and dedication should be there while making the green tea. The below mentioned instructions will help you to prepare an ideal cup of green tea.

Choosing Teapots:

The secret and the taste of green tea mostly depend upon the teapots, so it is very important to use an ideal teapot to prepare variety of tea. Smaller size teapots are highly recommended for preparation of high-grade teas. If you want to prepare tea with great flavor, the earthenware pots are sufficient, because it will retain the heat and flavor for a long time.

It is important to start your tea preparation with clean teapot.

Water consumption:

It is important to use quality water to get the better taste. In modern days bottled mineral water or tap water is used to prepare tea. You can find many minerals in the mineral water like calcium. There are two types of water such as hard water and soft water. Hard water consist many minerals, and soft water with fewer minerals. It is difficult to get the exact taste from the hard water, because the extraction of the tea will not happen strongly. From soft water you are not able get the perfect aroma of the tea.

If you are preparing the tea from the tap water, better boil the water and let it be cool. This is because the chlorine smell in the tap water should get treated strongly. After the treatment the chlorine smell automatically disappears, if you want to cool the water quickly, it is advisable to change the boiled water into some other container. It is not advised to prepare the tea with cold water.

Maintain the Temperature of Water:

It is better to consume the tea in perfect temperature such as not so cold and not so hot to get perfect taste and aroma. Amino acid will easily dissolve in the hot water. The prefect temperature depends upon the leaves being used to prepare tea.

The recommended temperature is in between 165F and 185F to get the perfect taste and aroma. You can get this temperature by boiling water up to 30-60 seconds. It is advised to use only 2 grams of green tea per cup. If the water comes to perfect temperature, pour the hot water on the top of the green tea leaves. Cover up the lid and allow the green tea one or two minute’s t before serving.

Serve Immediately:

Green tea should be consumed immediately after preparation, because it will mix with air quickly, and the color of the tea will become dark. The aroma disappears and the benefits of Vitamin C totally get destroyed. This is because green tea is very sensitive to air.

Change the leaves frequently: You can change the leaves frequently to get the total benefit.

Ear Wax Removal: Possible Home Remedies

Ear Wax RemovalThere is an old saying that involves informing that one should never get anything inside one’s ears that is smaller than one’s elbow! With this being kept in mind, one should never even perform home remedies that include sticking something into the ear. These are dangerous and can damage the delicate ear drums even. One can really get a multitude of infections while sticking strange things to one’s ears.

Herbal ear wax ear drops, as recommended by most physicians, will usually do a gentle job in cleaning out your ear. These remove debris and unwanted materials from our ears in an effective way. Chronic ear wax build-up is no good news and these congestions must be cleared off in time. This way a glycerine based formula is really helpful in reducing dryness and itching of the ear. Ear canals must be kept clean and free of the debris and so clean ups from time to time are always recommended.

Hydrogen peroxide based ear wax removers are also good for the purpose of cleaning out ears. This process really involves 3 careful steps and then you are free of ear wax for a really long time. Apply 3 to 4 drops of the peroxide into each year. Be very careful with this application.

There after you can use an over the counter ear cleaner to clean out the residue. You have to do this process for two to three days in a row. Then you are ready to get a thorough clean out of your ears. You will have to flush out the excess wax very effectively. You will be able to fill up a bulb syringe with lukewarm water. Then all you have to do is gently squirt the water into your ears, one by one. This process must be done very mildly to get an overall good effect. One has to keep one’s head tilted and be observant enough so as not to have the water run out of one’s ears.

After this a small, soaked cotton ball will really do well for the last step. You have to rub it with alcohol and then let that be squeezed into each of your ears. Once again one has to rub one’s ears clean and let the whole thing run out. This way the ears will be cleaned out safely and surely. This happens to be one of the most effective ear cleaning methods that you ca get done at home.

Home Remedies for Lose Motions,Dysentery&Diarrhea

Home Remedies for Lose MotionsHealth is a very important and prized possession for us. Any part in us getting ill can result in serious complications. It is said that when the human body rejects the undigested food; loose motion happens. This mostly happens with very rich food. However in the case of any stomach ailment, loose motion can be an important symptom. Dysentery also known as flux or bloody flux is a disorder affecting the digestive system that results in diarrhea containing blood in feces. If not treated at the right time some cases of dysentery can prove to be fatal. Diarrhea is the condition of having frequent or liquid bowel movements. Diarrhea is often the common cause of death for many infants worldwide. Loss of fluid through diarrhea can cause severe dehydration which is equally harmful if not treated at the right time.

All the three have to do basically with indigestion and some form of stomach upset. Quite often these conditions come along with acute stomach pain. There are various home made remedies to cure the initial stages of lose motion, diarrhea and dysentery. However if the condition becomes critical it is absolutely necessary to take the person to a doctor.

Some home made remedies are:

  • Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces on a plate for about 20 mins. until they become brown and then eat it.
  • Give about 5 gms of Isabgol with cold water with around 1 tsp of sugar.
  • Make a paste of one green chilli along with 2Tbsp of lime juice and ½ tsp of camphor. Have ¼ tsp of this concoction.
  • Take 3 cloves of chopped garlic boiled in milk every night.
  • Boil ¼ tsp of powdered cardamom seeds in thin tea water and drink it.
  • Mix the juice of 15-20 tender curry leaves with 1 tsp of honey and drink it.
  • Apply ginger juice around the naval
  • Mash 1 ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and 1 tsp of tamarind pulp. Take it twice a day.
  • Plain curd with slat or sugar
  • Mix 1 tsp of powdered ginger, cumin and cinnamon with honey and make it into a thick paste. Take 1 tsp thrice daily.
  • Drinking black tea without sugar is also a very good remedy to stop diarrhea
  • Finally home made ORS water is very helpful. Add 1 tsp of salt and 8 tsp of sugar to 1 liter of water and have a glassful whenever required.

The above remedies are safe for everybody, however, sometimes children may need special attention thereby certain home made remedies are available for children suffering from diarrhea, dysentery and loose motion.

The home made remedies for children are:

Health Care

  • Mash a ripe banana with a little salt. Should be taken 2-3 times a day.
  • A tsp of date paste mixed with a little honey can be given thrice a day.
  • Add a few drops of mint essence to water and make him/her drink the water at regular intervals.
  • Mix 6 chopped basil leaves, ¼ tsp of sea salt and some black pepper mixed in 3 tbsp of fresh curd. Have this four times a day for one week to recover completely.

Home Treatment for Acne

There are many types of acne home treatments that can be practiced well at home for maximum effect.

AcneUsing organic, fresh and natural home treatments are way better than going for things that are loaded with chemicals. There happens to be different types of acne with each kind taking different durations to be cured and healed. Something that is very effective on acne is an avocado mask. One can make it through evenly mixing a very ripe avocado with a little water. The consistency should be thick and so very little water should be added. This becomes a very good facial mask as the avocado oil is very helpful in penetrating the skin without making the sebaceous glands overactive. This is one of the most beautiful benefits of avocado. Avocado is used in different cosmetic items. Their oil is rich in Vitamin E and other vitamins. The mask is nourishing as well as cleansing. If you have acne, your skin will certain start clearing up and glowing with health when you use this mask daily.

This mask should be made with fresh avocadoes only as the skin items bought from stores would have added chemicals which might not be bringing the highest benefit of the fruit. Even if you do not have acne this mask is awesome to give you the glow no matter what skin type you may be having!

Oatmeal mask is another kind of mask that can be used to cure acne or any skin infection for that matter. Take a couple of finely ground oatmeal and mix it with warm water to reach the desired thickness. But then don’t eat it! Let the mixture cool a bit and then apply it to face. Leave for several minutes and as it dries gently scrub off the mixture in circular manner.

Your bad memories and fears may not last long

fearsA new study on a widely used blood pressure pill is considering it helpful in weakening and eradicating bad or fearful memories or phobias. Merel Kindt, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam has conduct the research on a group of volunteers who used found themselves free from the fear they had after taking the medicines.

It is said that the awful memories were weakened by the generic beta-blocker propranolol. Hence the medicine may be used for the treatment of those suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems of fearful memories.

As it has been observed during studying animals that fear memories are changed by recalling, the miracle of reconsolidation. The researchers are of the view that at this stage,the beta blokers like propranolol target neurons in the brain and complement the function of reconsolidation.

After given the drug when the people under experiment were examined found with less fear response as compared to the group with placebo still having the mild shock of fear. It is concluded that the pill might have some effects of weakening the underlying memory by changing its approach towards fear.

Now the questions are to observe the period of its effectiveness on the memory last and to use it as a treatment for those having any kind of fear or phobia actually.

Brain exercise failed to provide desired results.

brain-exerciseComputer games and advertised web side are incapable to ward off the mental decline in the comparatively healthy old people, the researcher said while studying brain exercise program.

“These kinds of products have no advantage in the social daily life of intellectually active people. There are some other more productive things which we can do to achieve the desired results.” Dr. Peter J. Snyder said.

Brain trainings are well known to help patients of memory lose but whether these works in measurable cognitive impairment is still unclear. Astonishingly, the market of these products has bulged from 2 million dollar to 225 million within the three years.

Researchers analyzed ten different studies to evaluate the benefits of cognitive training for the healthy seniors. The approaches of the studies vary from cyber-games to piano lessons.

Researchers found that some brain trainings have immediate effects on the people related to the completion of task, but there was no evidence that the brain training affects other aspects of the mental function and showed weak, long-term benefits.

Results don’t mean that such trainings for brain are useless in the treatment of memory problem or these can’t sharpen the mind of healthy old people. But the engagement in intellectual and social routine life, from reading books to playing with children, has provided better results.

Researchers also noticed that the routine, mild physical activity keep cognitive function smooth. It has proved that type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases cause mental decline. Physical activity helps to maintain weight and heart health in other words, brain health, researchers said.

Hypoglycemia Damages Brain

brain-jpgThe researchers of Edinburgh University found that a poor control of blood glucose may have many deep impacts on the brain and leads to a poorer memory of brain.

In type 2 diabetes patients often suffer severe episodes of hypoglycemia in which blood sugar level drop very low level that is dangerous and affects the brain.

The study includes the 1,066 diabetic patients 60 to 75 of age. These volunteers were examined to test the brain function by assessing their logic, focusing power, memory, etc.

The performance of 113 people, who have had hypoglycemic episodes in the past, was very poor as compare to their peers.

In England alone, there are above than 670,000 people who are diabetic and among them quarter have the increased chances of hypoglycemic episodes.

Dr Jackie Price, the lead researcher explained: “it is not easy to for certain, either hypoglycemia reduce cognition or cognitive decline make it hard to obtain optimum level of sugar that lead to hypoglycemic episode.”

“We are conducting more research to found that, apart from these factors is there any other factor that causes the both hypo and cognitive decline.”

In some researchers view this study seconds the previous study which concluded that uncontrolled blood sugar interfere with brain functioning.

In UK 2.5 million people have already been diagnosed with diabetes and 500,000 people are still unaware of their disease. This number may reach up to four million till 2025.

Human Memory Has Been Reported to Form at 30 Weeks in the Womb

Human MemoryThe human memory has been shown to form at 30 weeks in the womb. Only 30 weeks may be enough to form this amazing machine called the human brain. There are many short term memory related neurons that form the intrinsic parts of the human brain. Dutch researchers have reported that this is giving scientists new evidences of the formation of the central nervous system. The Centre for Genetics, Reproduction and Child Health at the Maastricht University Medical Centre in Netherlands show that this study aims to pin point the major functions of the intrauterine neurological developments of the human system.

This new resource have been said to be a real breakthrough for researching on what goes on within the stages of development of the fetuses. But any medical study for this purpose was posing to be dangerous for the study for the fetuses and so these experiments have been stopped in any massive way.

The Great Aspects of HGH

HGH SupplementsBoost your vital organs, libido and brain with this supplement which brings you multifarious benefits and not just a couple of them. A few of these benefits are actually life changing and bring you the secret of youth working for you. The key role of HGH is keeping your youth levels high. So you are young and vital with lots of high energy function in your body. You will notice an improved sex life, a great memory and overall mood functioning working greatly for your positive improvements.

HGH energizer brings you the confidence that you would have wanted all your life.


You will be able to regenerate your cell and get the benefits of getting younger by the day. Your HGH levels plummet as you age and thus your youthful levels could just be dropping low. Nothing ages you more like stress and HGH actually delivers hormone to your body that replaces the stressful factors. If you have been experiencing loss of sexual drive and less interest in your overall life then this is really the supplement to try. The HGH supplements are one of the greatest answers to youth and vitality. If you have problems with tightness of your muscle, the texture of your skin and memory then this supplement is bound to bring you a lot many benefits.

GenF20 is one of the pure HGH releaser and brings you the greatest rejuvenation ever. There are extensive scientific researches going on about this supplement with some real-life proven benefits working for it. HGH is produced through our pituitary glands and this sort of Command Central of our body brings back a wonderful healthy message that makes the best of our health. Scientists have discovered many new ways to redirect correlations with desirable levels of HGH.

As an expert blogger and webmaster, Kylie Robinson, provides truthful articles on the topic of the HGH as well as information on how to buy HGH, how to find the best HGH, and facts regarding HGH supplements such as HGH energizer.

Stop Hair Loss with Complete Resources

HLCC hair loss

 aImage by mynikin

Dr Lee’s Xandrox is a complete anti hair loss solution that totally takes care of your hair and gets you high results with growth and fantastic restoring of luscious hair. The HLCC hair loss product has also been known to be effective in these respects with some of the highest concentrations about DHT inhibitors with the perfect spot to bring you happy results. These are formulations coming for men and women both. These indeed work well and are tried and tested.

The complete picture of the hair loss story of yours could be changed with greater results with these effective natural ingredients. These are pretty high on some of the most active ingredients such as marine concentrate which come from Shark cartilage, Glucosamine Sulfate as well as Silica. The blends of Viviscaltm is also a lot like Norwegian studies that keep on getting your hair grow from root and even regrow at patches from where it has never grown. The target treatment is for curing hair loss and thus low level light therapy can be really good.

Hair Loss Control Clinic or HLCC will offer a lot of those things that bring you to enjoy totally beautiful hair and natural hair. HLCC HairScript Complete boasts of 8 DHT Blockers that have some of the most interesting DHT inhibitors that can be bought in the market. There are about 30 mg that are made available which bring about excessive but well balanced blends of Beta Sistosterol which is about 3,000 times more potent than saw palmetto. This gives the effect of as much as 2 lbs of saw palmetto and brings about HairScript Propriety blend that really works well. The amount of power can be packed back with some interesting DHT fighting sterols.

What is Balanced Diet?

balanced-dietA balanced diet is nothing but a diet which includes right amount of all the nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates etc. A balanced diet is required for the growth and development of a person especially the children. Each food group is abundant in certain type of nutrients. So a right mix of all nutrients in your food will ensure long and healthy life.

A balanced diet has direct relation with the health of a person. Following a balanced diet will ensure you certain things such as

  • Helps to keep your body weight under control
  • Keep you energetic throughout the day
  • Maintaining the cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure level under control
  • Helps to relax your body and mind
  • Plays a major role in making your physique attractive,

Food itself is a medicine which has the potential to cure any kind of disease if consumed in a right way. Food is broadly classified into five major categories namely



Milk and milk products

Meat and Fish of all kinds

Legumes and Nuts

Cereals of all kinds regardless of what form (cakes, toast, flaked or puffed cereals) they are

Each food group is rich n some kind of nutrients. One food group cannot be replaced by other as a person needs all of them for his good health.


Vegetables should be compulsorily present in one’s diet as it provides most of the nutrients required for a human body. Even the nutrients present in the meat and other non-vegetarian items are also available in the vegetables. More over only vegetables can provide you the fiber which is not available in other food items.

Vegetables have the ability to sustain the fluid balance of the body. They are also abundant in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.


Without any doubt we can say that fruits are gift of nature which is rich in nutrients and is widely available anywhere. Fruits are naturally good source of vitamins and some minerals. Fruits have the ability to restore the water balance in your body. Just like vegetables, fruits are also good source of fiber. Similarly fruit juices can also do good to your body.

Milk and milk products

Milk is the only food which is has all the nutrients. It is a good source of calcium and taking a glass of milk everyday will meet the daily requirement of calcium. Milk is a must for children for their growth and development.

Protein is essential for the growth of body and it is abundant in milk and diary products. Milk also helps in strengthening your bones.

Meat and Fish Group

Though vegetables have all the nutrients, some of them are not abundant enough to meet the requirement of your body. In such case meats are a good alternative. Meats are good source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamins. Meat and fish group include egg, chicken, mutton and fish, crab, lobsters and shrimp.

Legumes and Nuts

Legumes and nuts are good source of carbohydrates and fats. They maintain the energy level of your body. More over they are rich in protein.

Healthy Lunch for Your Kids

lunch-kids5Like breakfast lunch is also important to maintain good health. It helps a lot to be active during the day. It is important that having good lunch will help you to be active in a classroom. If you had heavy lunch it leads to feel sleepy and you can not be active during the day. Fully filled stomach will not help you to concentrate on the class, because it will growl. It is better to select a healthy food instead of having fast foods which also it costs more.

The following foods are very suitable for kids to fill with their lunch boxes.

  • Starchy Food
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Proteins


It is necessary to have proteins in our regular food. Ham is the best-recommended protein. You should be very careful while selecting meat; it should be lean and unprocessed. Chicken is also a good protein food. Cheese is the most famous source of protein for kids, but it should be under limit, because the fat content is very high in cheese. Cottage cheese is better than other kind of cheese. Fish has lots of protein; fish like tuna is a favorite food for children. We can serve with pepper or sweet corn.

From the vegetarian side, pulses are best protein source. The combination of chickpeas and kidney beans are good for health. Tofu has a bunch of proteins, good for particularly those who love to be a vegetarian. Full boiled eggs, peanuts and other nuts contain high level of protein.

Starchy Foods

Sandwiches are the most common lunch and healthy also. White bread is not good for health. Looking for bread it is better have whole meal flour, if not make sandwiches with one slice of white bread and other with whole meal flour. It is the best lunch which consists seed or oat, topped whole meal rolls, whole meal bread with poppy seeds or nuts. You can get wholesome protein from brown rice salads or pasta salads with wholegrain pasta. Apart from rice it is important to consume vegetables in large amount, because vegetables are rich in fiber.

Pizza is one among best lunches, which is loved by everyone. Even for pizza it is better to consume wholegrain pizza. Oatcakes, rice cakes and corn cakes are the best lunch particularly with wholegrain. Avoid flavored cakes, because it may contain salt flavor.


Fruits play a very important role in lunch. It is better to have apples, oranges and grapes in regular intervals. To have a better lunch dry fruits like apricot, pear and raisins should take place in your regular lunch. Bananas are the real energy producers. It is better to have bright color bananas in regular lunch.

You can have your lunch in different ways by filling cubed melon or watermelon, raspberries, stewed apple with cinnamon, raspberries, diced peach and stewed dried apricots in some small sealable pot.


Vegetables also help a lot to prepare healthy lunch. Vegetable sandwich is the best lunch and all age group people love it. Cabbage or grated carrot, finely chopped peppers and sliced cucumber should take place in your sandwich. It is better to have hummus and it should be home made. Carrot sticks, sugar snap, celery, mange tout, cherry tomatoes and all color peppers are suitable for healthiest lunch. It is must that soup should take place in everyday lunch, and it can be a soup of any vegetables.

Milk/Dairy Foods

Milk is a well known health drink. Flavored milk and ice-cooled milk are everyone’s favorite. It is better to avoid consuming flavor milk regularly as they are artificially flavored and sweetened. Yogurt and cheese are good for health and you can eat in your regular lunch.

Healthy Menopause Diet

menopause-diet-igp-123At the time of menopause it is important to follow menopause diet. Menopause diet is nothing but a balanced diet that contains assured types of foods while giving up some other foods.

If you are women, age about 40 – 50, it is very important to make changes in your regular diet. Menopause is also called as change of life.

Menopause is a particular time for women when her period stops, because women’s ovary stops producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Menopause can give several illnesses. So it is very important to follow healthy diet.

Healthy Diet for Menopause

There is no need to follow this diet if you are already following the healthy one. If not it is important to have good diet consisting fresh and whole foods, fruits and vegetables. But you should make some changes in your menopause diet like daily eating style and weight gain. Moreover you have to be very careful in avoiding heart disease and cancer. You can follow the simple diet as follows.

  • It is better to avoid junk foods. It should not take place in your menopause diet. You can consume junk foods occasionally.
  • It is better to have whole grain bread, pastas, breakfast cereals and rice. Looking for junk foods think about cakes, burger buns and biscuits.
  • Avoid high-energy foods like cheese, because it contains calorie and fat in large portion. Consumption level of meat, dairy foods and cheese should be low, because the level of saturated fat is high in those foods.
  • Having fresh foods instead of processed food is more advisable. Starch meals are suitable for healthy menopause diet.
  • Make a habit of consuming more fruits and vegetables in your regular diet. Sliced apple on cereal, and for snacks carrot sticks are advisable, for teatime you can have biscuits with dried apricots. It is better to take salad in your lunchtime.
  • Usage of vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, collared greens and kale should be very high.
  • Looking for rice, brown is better than white. Participation of soluble fiber in your menopause diet is must.
  • As you know drinking lot of water is good for health, so drink plenty of water and avoid coffee, tea, colas and alcohol.
  • It is important to consume boiled and baked food in spite of fried, and beans and lentils are good menopause diet.
  • Use olive oil, wheat gram oil, canola oil and flax seed oil for cooking instead of processed oils. White bread is not suitable for diet, it is better to have whole wheat bread, wheat germ and oats.

Vitamins for Menopause Diet

  • Like calcium and minerals, vitamins are also very important to your menopause diet. It is advised to have plenty of seeds and nuts, bananas and whole grains. The availability of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is high in the above said foods. It helps to prevent heart diseases and osteoporosis, and also it decreases the depression.
  • Mushrooms and Soya beans are recommended diet for menopause, because they help to reduce menopausal headaches. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin helps a lot in menopause diet, which we can find in kidney and liver.

What is Fiber Diet?

fiber-diet-jgpFiber is a substance which is found commonly in the external layer of the plants. It is nothing but the cell walls of the plants. It is these cell walls which provide the external structure of a plant. Fiber is a kind of carbohydrate which will not be broken down into nutrients even after it had entered your digestive system. As we know that carbohydrate is an important source of energy for the body functions, the role of fiber in our diet is also inevitable.

Fiber has direct impact on your digestion process right from the beginning itself. Since the fiber demands food to be chewed thoroughly, naturally the eating process will be slowed down. This in turn gives you a feeling of full stomach and there by preventing you from over eating. Thus we can say that fiber diet checks obesity.

Even though you consume a little amount of fiber diet, it remains there in the stomach for a longer time. Consequentially the digestion process gets slow down. As a result of this glucose enters very slowly into your blood stream. Thus fiber helps to keep the blood sugar level under control.

The fiber which you consume gets ultimately broken down in the colon by the act of bacteria. Organic acids released during this breakdown helps to strengthen the colon. These acids also have a substantial role in metabolism and also provide energy to the remaining organs especially the liver.

Fiber holds the nutritious parts of the plant, especially those parts which include starch, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. Only plants have the ability to produce fiber. Therefore you cannot find even a trace of fiber in meat regardless of how good, tough or chewy the meat may be.

Fiber is broadly classified into two categories-insoluble and soluble fibers

Insoluble fibers are produced by plant cells which in turn cannot be dissolved in water. It is a good laxative agent. Insoluble fiber is rich in whole grains, wheat, nuts, bran muffins, and in a wide variety of vegetables.

Soluble fiber on the other hand is made up of polysaccharides which get easily dissolved in water. It is good at lowering blood sugar and cholesterol level. It is rich in fruits such as apples, lemons and oranges and also in barley grain, oats and beans. Studies have found that soluble fiber is good in controlling the blood cholesterol level.

Advantages of fiber in your diet

  • Fiber avoids constipation as it makes the stool soft. Fiber ensures a free motion and hence the removal of waste from your body. With in one or two days after increasing the fiber content in your diet, you can notice a considerable difference in the size of the stool. What the fiber will do is that it absorbs the excess water present in the bowels. This in turn makes the stool softer and makes motion easier. Constipation is thus a not a problem and can be solved just by increasing the fiber content in your diet.
  • As constipation is avoided it minimizes the chance of getting colon cancer. Similarly when more fiber is included in your diet, it makes the stool easier to pass with out any strain, which helps to cure hemorrhoids.
  • Fiber is also good at preventing the diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, kidney stones etc.

The recommended level of fiber consumption is 25 grams per day. Normally most of us did not even consume half of that. Most of the food items are rich in fiber but when they are processed or transformed they lose most of the fiber content. For e.g. wheat is naturally rich in fiber but when it is transformed in to flour it loses considerable amount of dietary fiber. So try to consume the food without losing its fiber content. In case of vegetables eating either raw or half cooked will do the best.

Finding a Right Oral Care Specialist in Toronto

dental-healthWhen it comes to the number of oral care specialists and dentists in Toronto and its vicinities, you would find many. You can also seek help from Toronto dental health care programs and from some health guide to find a right specialist for your treatment.

It’s true that most of people with some periodontal disease have had bad experience with some dentist or oral health specialist and that’s why it is quite important to choose such a professional as help to avoid any such unpleasant experience and dental problems ahead. But as mentioned earlier it’s not hard at all to seek some real professional help to avoid some bad experience of professionally unprofessional experts for dental treatment.

First you need to choose a right method to pick locate a right oral care profession and you can make the most of your friends, colleagues and relatives experiences in this connection, as they can give you right guidance about the right person. They can tell you about the right person whom expertise they also have tested in their dental problems. Thus, you can avoid becoming the victim of a wrong person.

If you want some instant information about these dental professionals, just like many other walks of life internet comes to your rescue here too and provides you all the desired information about some dental professional in the twinkling of an eye.

There are lots of websites that gives you almost all the required information about the individual practices and hospitals specific to periodontal hospitals.

Your next step in finding the right oral care professional is to narrow down your choices making the most of your internet searches and the information you gathered from your acquaintances.

Health Products and Mushrooming Biased online reviews

health-productsPeople often have to face problems when they want to choose some health product to get the desired results for improving their health, here, they need a reliable diet review blog or other health review site that can provide them all necessary information in an unbiased and true way to make it easier for them to decide what can really work for them.

You can reap the full benefits of your wealth, only if you are in good sound health. Though ‘health is wealth’ sounds old and dated, yet it’s as true today, as it was in the past. Your health depends on your wealth to some extent, but your wealth depends on your health to a great extent. Such is a relation that exists between health and wealth these days.

In their daily tough routines, people often look for easy to follow ways to keep themselves fit as fiddle and according to the pace of this every moment changing world. They want to keep themselves in good shape, they want to detoxify their bodies, and they want to have a glowing and shiny skin. And they need reliable products to fill colors in their beauty related dreams. Health product reviews (if provided with good intentions) can be very effective for a considerable number of people who are looking for some health product that can do wonders for them.

WWW is replete with stuff like Natra Pure reviews, acai reviews, these reviews, that reviews, but still the moot question is which to trust and which not. Though many con artists working out there, yet it doesn’t mean that you can’t trust anyone. Some good players are also working out there that can help you a lot to pick the right health product to get the desired results. However, you must make through research in this connection.

Health and Beauty Samples

beauty-productsGood looks and good health definitely comes at a cost. If you want to look good and stay healthy, there is a lot that you need to invest. And the investments ate not just restricted to the amount of time or efforts that you put in to keep yourself in good shape. Instead, you need to invest in terms of money as well to set your health and beauty quotient soaring.

Apart from investing in right and healthy food, you would also need to procure numerous health care products. These health care products are even more essential if you are fighting with problems like obesity. The cost of these health care products can be somewhat intimidating. But there is nothing to worry when you can have various health samples working for you.

There are numerous health care products that offer freebies to the customer. So many weight loss products available in the market are accompanied with a free trial pack. You can avail the free trial pack offer of these products and knock off those extra pounds for free. Health samples are a great way to keep up your health without spending much.

These freebies are not just restricted to health and fitness products. You can get these free samples and kits for various beauty products. Whether you are aiming for younger looking skin or you want to try that latest lip-gloss for free, you can certainly have some beauty samples to your rescue. The only hitch is that these freebies may not be available for all the products of your choice.

But you can always avail whatever free samples or products available to you. These free beauty and health samples not jut cut your expenses but they also save you from the risk of losing your money. They give you a clear picture of how good or bad a product is. If the trial pack works to your satisfaction, you can go ahead and buy the product the next time.

Till the time you have a budget to spend, you can keep on using these freebies.

Getting a Colon Cleanse

Colon CleanseWith a colon cleanse you will see numerous benefits that your body would be thankful for. There are many ways to get a colon cleanse. Colon cleanse products are your best and safe options. But to have something even more serious going on you can opt for a professional colonic series, taking the consultation of your physician. Colon cleansers and enemas are really some of the most important health supporting things you can do for yourself. You will find out that health is more about how much you allow your body to release and be off rather than the amount you put in. You will also find that you are releasing more physically. So as the colon gets stimulated you will find your self releasing a lot of the old and deep buried gunk. Release your colon better and make way for greater health.

You might be shocked with what comes out of your colon and if you take a look you will wonder whether they were really within you. Be prepared to release some really nasty parasites and have your self geared up for getting more
vitality. Get all those nasty parasites and age old dead gunk out of your system now and forever. If you follow a few colon cleanse rituals at different points during the year, you are guaranteed good weight loss from areas of your body you could not believe to be storing poisons and you will also reap the benefits of extra energy.